Voice Over Talent Industry News

Voice Over Warm-Up Exercises

Voice over work is rigorous work. Much like an athlete who wish to excel in his/her sport, a voiceover is required to train and exercise daily, and warm up your voice before any practice sessions or actual voice over work.

As the vocalis or other laryngeal muscles are composed of skeletal muscle fibers, so with any type of physical motion, these muscles need to be warmed up to work at their best.

Here are some sample warm-up exercises that you can try.

Breath Relaxation

This warm up breathing releases tension that can interfere with effective voice production. If there is tension when breathing, that tension radiates to the voice box muscles.

Jaw Release

Jaw release reduces the tension in the mouth and jaw area during speaking.

Lip Trills

Lip trills release lip and vocal folds tension. It also connects breathing and speaking.

Remember don’t push beyond what it comfortable at the top or bottom of the scale.

Tongue Trill

Tongue trill relaxes the tongue and engages breathing and voice.

Again, remember don’t push beyond what is comfortable for you at the top or bottom of the scale.

Two Octave Scales

Doing the two octave scales will provides maximum stretch on your vocal folds.

Sirens/Kazoo Buzz

The sirens/kazoo buzz exercise improves the resonant focus of the sound and proceeds to work on the maximum stretch on your vocal folds.


Humming pinpoints the anterior frontal vibrations in your lips, teeth and facial bones.

Cool Down

After going through the warm-ups and vocal exercises, and intensive vocal use, it is important to do a vocal cool down.

A good way to cool down your voice is to hum gently, focusing the sound on the lips. Hum gentle glides using the sound “m” feeling a tickling vibration in your lip or nose.

Start planning a daily routine of warm-up, vocal and breathing exercises. There is no one standard when it comes to these exercises. You can create a version or a routine of your own based on what is comfortable for you, and what you find effective, bearing in mind that these vocal activities should prepare your voice to the work ahead, improve your performance, help prevent vocal injuries, and not to overwork it.