Voice Over Talent Industry News

Purdue University Offers Voice Over Workshop

The Purdue University Northwest Office of Graduate and Extended Learning will be offering a workshop for voice over enthusiasts or anyone interested in learning about the voice over industry.

Behind the Mic: Inside the Voice Over Industry will be held at the North Central Westville campus on the 13th of April, Wednesday from 6:00 PM till 8:00 PM.

The University is partnering with Such-A-Voice, a voice-over training and demo production company, and will be taught by voice over actor and producer Brian Thon. Thon teaches voice over classes and coaches newcomers interested in getting into the voice over industry.

The workshop will cover what kinds of voices are in demand, how to make a demo, and how to use a speaking voice for commercials, films, videos and more. Participants will get to work with peers in small groups to record a simulated voice over. Participants will also learn about marketing and advertising; discuss work opportunities and learn strategies for finding work in the voice over industry.